...so here's a pic of my next car, brand new GTI (with a lil' work done)
Tuesday, June 13, 2006
"BMW and French fuel company TOTAL have agreed terms to set up a trial of three hydrogen filling stations. The stations will support the introduction of BMW hydrogen cars into the European, or more specifically, German market.
"TOTAL opened the first public hydrogen filling station in Berlin in March 2006. In conjunction with BMW, the company will open another in Detmoldstrasse in Munich near BMW's Research and Innovation Centre (better known as FIZ) before the end of 2006. The decision on the location of the third station is to be taken in the next few weeks.
"BMW is on record stating it will offer a hydrogen-fuelled 7 Series for public consumption within two years."
This is the most concise article about this cool symbiosis but certainly not the only one. It's great to see progress like this to show that this isn't just some goofy, rinky-dink technology no one cares about. Take that!
Another great positive article about the future of alternatively-fuelled vehicles. I never knew we had 8mil on the road already, that's neat. Introduces the idea of a flex-fuel car that can run on gasoline OR meth/ethanol (any -ol fuel... meaning alcohol-based). Not two engines, same engine... maybe two tanks? No, probably not... wow, I don't know the answer to that, dig-time!
Posted with love by
Josh C
New News
Eventually I will run out of witty titles... hey, I think that's already started!
I've never heard of this man but he sounded like quite a guy:
"The Challenge Bibendum was Edouard Michelin's idea, stemming from his deeply held belief that all physical reality is ultimately perishable but that its eventual demise could be delayed or made less painful if available resources are managed intelligently."
Link here
Edouard Michelin is, or rather was, the chief executive of Michelin Tire. He apparently drowned last week but his legacy lives on in this interesting alternative fuel program! What a cool way to be remembered!
"Dignity. I think that's important, don't you?"
"Our capital system (the extraction of oil) is not limited by rate of supply - but it is finite. Reducing the capital that we consume does not get us to a sustainable world. Beating your spouse less hard is no answer!"
Pretty hard-core way of looking at it but I can't say I disagree. This article is a little pie-in-the-sky but that's how I like my alternative energy press: optimistic. They're basically saying that conventional wisdom does not apply to an unconventional situation. If you've ever had doubts about the hydro picture, this helps you see things in a different light.
Link here
"Hugo Spowers's engineering degree and MBA were sufficient to convince him that the barriers were neither technical nor financial but human."
I agree whole-heartedly...
Posted with love by
Josh C