My inspiration to write is fairly low right now so just a quick update on things and a few highlights...
This kills me:
it turns out, the greenest thing about paper bags is the way people perceive them. Because they seem more natural, people think they're better for the environment. Well, it's a damn shame, but they're wrong.
Whole Foods' moving over to 100% recycled paper is actually going to be worse for the environment.
Creating recycled paper, it turns out, is a much more energy-intensive process than creating plastic bags. That's why grocery stores prefer you take the plastic. Plastic is also much easier to ship, as it takes up way less space in packing, and they weigh far less per item of shopping you take home with you. And while we might worry that all that plastic is coming from foreign oil, the amazing thing is that even with all the billions of plastic bags we use every year, they constitute about 0.03% of our oil use in the U.S.. Obviously not the most pressing problem we've got.
Frustrating because of the perception dissonance but a good thing to know regardless.
Speaking of getting things in perspective, watch this space:
Speaking of Josh projects, check out my updated lens:
And my website under construction:
Big things! and also reasons why I have been able to blog as much.
Also check out the Young Forest Martial Arts Academy website... my first web site!
Back to the grin, more soon for sure!