Saturday, October 06, 2007

Odd timing

Over the last few years, ever since I decided to get off my ass and make something out of myself, I've noticed this phenomenon. I have this weird, cosmic sense of timing. I shouldn't say "sense" actually because that implies that I know something that other people don't or that I'm doing something based on this knowledge. What I mean is that the amount of coincidences (good ones, that is) have drastically increased over time. I think about a friend of mine back home and they call me within a day or two; right before I get a chance to reach out to them. I start thinking about something on a regular basis and it happens to me or someone around me. In this case, I stumbled onto a blog for no particular reason and found someone who, put simply, agrees exactly with what I think about energy policy. And he happens to be awesome too... Here is what Scott Adams has to say about energy policy:

...coming up with green and economical alternative sources of energy would virtually solve all [our] other problems, either directly or by boosting the economy.

Imagine a president who brought experts together and mapped out a plan to make the country energy independent by a year certain. It would require a combination of a dozen or more industries and thousands of technologies that all do their little part. I can imagine massive investment in developing improved biofuels, building Sterling generators in the desert, nuclear plants, windmills, clean coal, harnessing the ocean waves, maybe using Tesla’s wireless power grid, and so on. I’m thinking of a war-time-like effort that brings the entire country together on this mission.

The direct benefits of a great energy policy would be a long-term solution to global warming (as developing nations copied our breakthroughs), and freedom from Middle East oil, and wars. That would be reason enough to make it a top priority. But the indirect benefits, through the impact on the economy, could be just as important.

Imagine mobilizing the entire country toward energy independence. The effort would increase jobs, including everything from harvesting sugar cane to assembling windmills. And it would stimulate technical advances that would have ripple effects for generations. Best yet, when energy becomes less expensive, it boosts profits of every company, increases personal wealth, and makes it easier to fund healthcare, education and anything else. And America would become the leader in alternative energy, exporting our products and services to developing countries.

Long quote I know but this is exactly what I think. In fact, I would do this post injustice if I went on and on about how I agree with it because it's put perfectly!

If it ain't broke...

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