I'm thankful for:
- My friends, family, and everything in between that keep me going through everything. I need you more than you might think I do. Take care of yourself and stay in touch.
- My health, mental stability, and employment. I never take these attributes for granted and I'm glad I know how to retain them; I spent years trying to do away with them, glad that's over.
- The skills, talents, abilities, and capacities people keep telling me I have (I won't admit to them... not ever).
And, because you've been good, here's a treat :)
way cute, but i was more excited to hear Pushing Daisies in the background. i love that show more than i should love any show. i've never been the obsessive fan-type about anything, but if i don't look out, i could find myself slipping into a daisy-induced fervor. ooh i could go on...
but instead, happy thanks day!
btw that pic looks so much more like you than the one in upper right. please take this constructively. i like it conceptually enough, but it just doesn't even look like you (in a bad way, sorry!). i know you can't really say "no offense" after saying you don't like someone's pic and be taken seriously, but seriously...
<3 ya. Thanks for the talking cats this morning.
"btw that pic looks so much more like you than the one in upper right" Agreed, I like the one above much better but, like you said, conceptually I like the one on the blog. I'll mark it for replacement in the near future... I take all your creative feedback constructively, trust me!
Great blog. Now I actually know what you look like. Can't wait to see you make it in the alternative transportation industry. There's a fellow who lives next door to me. He drives a VW Jetta and has some contraption in his basement to turn vegetable oil into fuel. He then has a converter or something in the trunk of his car to make it work in his engine. Apparently it only works with diesel engines. Pretty cool considering he collects his vegetable oil from local restaurants and does them a service. Do you have any knowledge of this technology?
the talking is pretty clever, but the mewing version is pretty cute too. btw we had to put down belle recently. the vet thinks she had cancer :((((
Joshua: Hey, glad to see a new/familiar face on here!
You neighbor is brewing biodiesel in his basement which is actually fairly popular here in California as well. There is a whole contingent of people who can make their own fuel and burn it in diesel engines. I'm not entirely sure what it takes to use biodiesel (I think you have to install something on your car) but I know a lot of TDI (VW diesel) folk can do it fairly easily.
It is a nice alternative to petroleum products (less imports, less conflict, less cost, less drilling) and the MPG is typically pretty high (up near 40 depending on how you drive) but the fuel isn't as clean as it could be. The combustion reaction is still the same so the CO2 levels are still the same. Plus diesel produces a fair amount of particulate (small particles) - though some of the modern, clean diesels are even better then gasoline.
good stuff!
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